Airdrop, Bounty & Contest
are closed
Thank you for your participation!
The winners will also be notified via email. The distribution of the sponsored prizes and bounties starts Oct 1st, the airdrops will be made accessible through the mobile app (with the next release). If you have questions, please contact [email protected]
Ismael Senior | 1 Bitcoin |
Yedi Setiadi | Apple iPhone X |
Andre Luiz | Apple iPhone X |
Goldendec | Apple iPhone X |
Raman | Apple iPhone X |
Naim Islam | Apple iPhone X |
ViktoR | Apple iPhone X |
Igor | Apple iPhone X |
TWITCH.TV/ZECOYA | Apple iPhone X |
ivan bianco de oliveira junior | Apple iPhone X |
Crypto Earner | Apple iPhone X |
lalit sharma | Nano Ledger X |
Neeraj Poddar | Nano Ledger X |
Cryptoguru | Nano Ledger X |
mehdi | Nano Ledger X |
Crypto Luh | Nano Ledger X |
Ricky | Nano Ledger X |
Eugen | Nano Ledger X |
Pham Cong | Nano Ledger X |
Gumilar AkhmadSuyudi | Nano Ledger X |
Muhammad Talha Ijaz | Nano Ledger X |
soponyono | Nano Ledger X |
Mehmet | Nano Ledger X |
Saeful makmur | Nano Ledger X |
cotunoidau | Nano Ledger X |
Moynol Islam | Nano Ledger X |
Anas Hanyn | Nano Ledger X |
engin | Nano Ledger X |
Abhishek | Nano Ledger X |
aqeel malik | Nano Ledger X |
han | Nano Ledger X |
Neil Mark | Nano Ledger X |
Share Airdrops | Nano Ledger X |
nguyen ky anh | Nano Ledger X |
Anh | Nano Ledger X |
Felipe Stefano | Nano Ledger X |
Hamid | Nano Ledger X |
Aksa Himaya | Nano Ledger X |
Masoud | Nano Ledger X |
Andi | Nano Ledger X |
Tran The Anh | Nano Ledger X |
Tijmen Van der Roest | Nano Ledger X |
Altamash | Nano Ledger X |
risky ramadhan indra saputra | Nano Ledger X |
Leonardo VL | Nano Ledger X |
Jun Galansk | Nano Ledger X |
Shuvenkar Saha | Nano Ledger X |
Jan Shanti | Nano Ledger X |
Md Rokibul Hasan | Nano Ledger X |
Leandro | Nano Ledger X |
BestEarningTips | Nano Ledger X |
Rey Aldrin Dimaporo | Nano Ledger X |
abdelsalam hamouda | Nano Ledger X |
Luh Eka Sukrayani | Nano Ledger X |
James | Nano Ledger X |
Doan nguyen van | Nano Ledger X |
Vladimir | Nano Ledger X |
Saheb Karami | Nano Ledger X |
awin ariana | Nano Ledger X |
Albert | Nano Ledger X |
Jake41 | Nano Ledger X |
Hemen | Nano Ledger X |
Tim | Nano Ledger X |
por | Nano Ledger X |
tuhin khan | Nano Ledger X |
Abdul Rehman | Nano Ledger X |
NONG VAN TUAN | Nano Ledger X |
audika | Nano Ledger X |
ada | Nano Ledger X |
Huy tran | Nano Ledger X |
Vu | Nano Ledger X |
rayane | Nano Ledger X |
Seviro | Nano Ledger X |
Dhestwu Vinscy Rana | Nano Ledger X |
boboho | Nano Ledger X |
Satria Nalapraya | Nano Ledger X |
Gilberto | Nano Ledger X |
Racer | Nano Ledger X |
Faisol Khabib | Nano Ledger X |
Nguyen Hoang Long | Nano Ledger X |
sliman | Nano Ledger X |
Maja Saputra | Nano Ledger X |
Emin | Nano Ledger X |
lengocphuong | Nano Ledger X |
Ricardo | Nano Ledger X |
Murat | Nano Ledger X |
Naimish Mankodia | Nano Ledger X |
Hoang | Nano Ledger X |
Refanferdian | Nano Ledger X |
Jagdish nishad | Nano Ledger X |
Subash | Nano Ledger X |
hoa nguyen | Nano Ledger X |
Tri | Nano Ledger X |
Taufik Hidayat | Nano Ledger X |
Lehuu | Nano Ledger X |
mohamed elfarouk | Nano Ledger X |
le van xuyen | Nano Ledger X |
AirdropPrimium | Nano Ledger X |
aymen | Nano Ledger X |
kampy | Nano Ledger X |
Aleksey | Nano Ledger X |
Faaizin Gita Pamungkas | Nano Ledger X |
Martin M | Nano Ledger X |
Irfan Maulana | Nano Ledger X |
Sk Ali Reza | Nano Ledger X |
Digitalalert | Nano Ledger X |
Yudi arpian | Nano Ledger X |
Ahmad Habib Al Hilmi | Nano Ledger X |
Danil Kuzminov | Nano Ledger X |
The winner of the 10 ETH, as well as the 1000 winners of the One Year Subscriptions To All Upcoming dApps will be announced soon.

Help to spread the word and get the chance to win great prizes!
What can I win?


iPhone X

Nano Ledger X
Hardware Wallet

One Year Subscriptions
To All Upcoming dApps

How can I win?
- You need at least 10 followers/friends when posting on social media
- Comments like “Good project” do not count, please put a little bit of effort into your post
- Retweets of external articles we shared do not count
- Please read the comments next to each task
- If you have questions, please don’t ask in the main Telegram group, but in the Contest/Airdrop Support Telegram group or contact [email protected]
- It can take up to to the end of the contest until your points are displayed in your account
- The Telegram bot @Aunairdropbot is from us and real
- The Airdrop will run until September 24, the tokens will be distributed soon after
Join the Authoreon Telegram Group (For reasons of spam protection, you’re restricted from posting for 3 hours).
- Please don’t post to the group about the Airdrop or the Contest. If you you have questions, please join @contest_support or contact [email protected]
- If you want to post, then please don’t just say “Hi”, but add value to the discussion.
- Thank you

1) Follow Authoreon on Twitter and/or Facebook
2) Tweet/post about Authoreon (don’t retweet), e.g. like this:
Sample Tweet:
Be safe! Verify products & identities on the #Blockchain. Download the #Authoreon App, visit the #dApp store or join the #Airdrop #Competition to win a great #prize #Ethereum #AUN $AUN #giveaway #contest Click To Tweet
The 1000 participants, that collected the most points will win.
You can track your points count in your dashboard and your position in the leaderboard.
- You need at least 10 followers/friends when posting on social media
- Comments like “Good project” do not count, please put a little bit of effort into your post
- Retweets of external articles we shared do not count
- Please read the comments next to each task
- If you have questions, please don’t ask in the main Telegram group, but in the Contest/Airdrop Support Telegram group or contact [email protected]
- It can take up to to the end of the contest until your points are displayed in your account
- The Contest will run until September 24, the prizes will be distributed soon after
Points can only be awarded if you sign up for a free Authoreon account.
Awarded Points:
Signup: 100
Upload Avatar: 50
Upload Cover: 50
Join the Authoreon Telegram Group and/or share Authoreon in other Telegram groups.
- Please don’t post to the group about the Airdrop or the Contest. If you you have questions, please contact [email protected]
- If you want to post, then please don’t just say “Hi”, but add value to the discussion.
- Thank you
Awarded Points: 100
for each action

1) Follow Authoreon on Twitter.
2) Don’t forget to include your referral link.
3) Tweet/post about Authoreon (don’t retweet), e.g. like this:
Sample Tweet:
Be safe! Verify products & identities on the #Blockchain. Download the #Authoreon App, visit the #dApp store or join the #Airdrop #Competition to win a great #prize #Ethereum #AUN $AUN #giveaway #contest Click To Tweet
Awarded Points: 100
Limited to 3 posts per week
Generate you A-ID in the Mobile App and share it on the web / social media. Your code must link to something (e.g. your profile) when scanning and don’t forget to add the link
Awarded Points: 100
Limited to 3 posts per week
Invite your friends via email. For every referred signup you receive 100 points.
Awarded Points: 100
Share your Referral Link. For every referred signup you receive 100 points.
Awarded Points: 100
1) Follow Authoreon on Facebook
2) Don’t forget to include your referral link.
3) Post about Authoreon, e.g. like this:
“Be safe! Verify products & identities on the #Blockchain. Download the #Authoreon App, visit the #dApp store or join the #Airdrop #Competition to win a great #prize #Ethereum #AUN $AUN #giveaway #contest”
Awarded Points: 100
Limited to 3 posts per week
Follow our partner Crypto News on Twitter and then submit your Twitter username.
Awarded Points: 100
Follow AND post about Authoreon in general and/or tag a friend in this post.
Awarded Points: 100 per action
Limited to 10 actions per week
Follow, and post about Authoreon.
Awarded Points: 100
Limited to 3 posts per week
Like Authoreon
Awarded Points: 50 each
Find current and appropriate videos in the crypto/blockchain space (not old Authoreon videos) and comment about Authoreon in general or about this contest.
Awarded Points: 100
Limited to 3 posts per week
Create a Video about Authoreon in general or this contest. Depending on the length, quality and views we will award 200-2000 points.
Awarded Points: 200-2000
Limited to 3 videos per week
Follow & clap and/or write and publish an article about Authoreon. See our Press Kit for material.
Awarded Points:
Follow & Clap: 100
Mention with Link: 100
Exclusive Article: 1000 (you need to have a significant amount of followers)
Write and publish an exclusive article about Authoreon. See our Press Kit for material.
Awarded Points: 1000 (you need to have a significant amount of followers)
Reply to a question and mention Authoreon.
Awarded Points: 100
You would like to become a Country Manager or Brand Ambassador for Authoreon and spread the word in your area, generate leads, build a local community, be a speaker at events or organize meetups? Great! Then please let us know.
Frequently Asked Questions
All prizes and airdrop tokens will be distributed shortly after the end of the campaigns Sept 24.
You can’t. All prizes and airdrop tokens will be distributed shortly after the end of the campaigns Sept 24.
1) Please make sure you posted correctly (exactly the post in the Google Docs), if you only like, retweet or comment with something like “Good project”, your contribution will not count.
2) While some points/tokens are awarded immediately, others require a manual verification, so it may take up to the end of the Airdrop/Contest until you see all your points/tokens in your account.
Please add the link to your post (not your profile).
Rules, Terms & Conditions
1. Introduction
1.1 These rules apply to all competitions, prize draws, promotions, giveaways and suchlike that are promoted on and run through our website or social media channels.
1.2 To enter a competition you must enter as directed on our website or social media channels.
1.3 Our competitions are free to enter, NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.
1.4 Promotions on social media are in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other social network. You are providing your information to Authoreon / Synced Ventures GmbH and not to any other party. The information provided will be used in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.
1.5 Cheating during the competition will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate disqualification.
1.6 The competition is open from June 24 2019, 00:01 am until September 24 2019, 11:59 pm UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time).
1.7 Winning Seats:
1st place: 1 Bitcoin (BTC)
2nd - 11th place: 1 Apple iPhone X
12th - 111th place: 1 Nano Ledger Hardware Wallet
1st - 1000th place: 1 One-Year Subscription To All Upcoming dApps
1.8 The Airdrop is limited to 10,000 seats and is closed as soon as this number is reached..
2. Eligibility and entry restrictions
2.1 To be eligible to enter a competition:
(a) entrants must be a real person and at least 18 years old.
(b) entrants must not be our employee, officer or agent, or an employee, officer or agent of any person or organization involved in the running of the competition, and you must not be a family relation of any such person.
2.2 The maximum number of entries to a competition per person is 1.
2.3 To keep it fair, corporate entities, who could potentially refer their large user base with very little effort, are limited to a maximum of 1000 points in referrals.
3. Start and closing dates
3.1 A competition shall open for entries at the time and on the date specified on our website and/or social media channels, and similarly, shall close to entries at the time and on the date specified on our website and social media channels. Unless otherwise stated, these times and dates are set to those for UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time).
3.2 Any entries received before the opening or after the closing of the competition will be invalid and will not be entered into the competition.
3.3 No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.
3.4 We reserve the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of our control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by us.
3.5 Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of all of these terms and conditions.
4. Judging
4.1 Competition entries shall be judged or winners selected on the basis of those criteria specified on our website and/or social media channels in relation to the competition.
4.2 If a competition entrant does not meet the eligibility requirements or is subject to any entry restrictions, that entrant shall not be entitled to be adjudged a winner, and will not be entitled to a prize in any circumstances.
4.5 Our decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
4.6 The competition and these terms and conditions will be governed by German law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Germany.
5. Winners and prizes
5.1 Competition prizes for each competition shall be specified on our website or social media channels.
5.2 Competition prize winners will be notified of the competition result by email or by direct message on social media (winners must therefore ‘like’ or ‘follow’ our social media accounts in order to be contacted about prizes) not more than 5 days following the closing date of the competition, and will receive their prizes not more than 30 days following that closing date.
5.3 Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the prize winner for 14 days but if the winner fails to respond to our notification attempts within this time or provide an address for delivery of the prize or fails to meet any of the eligibility requirements or is otherwise unable to comply with the competition terms and conditions, we reserve the right to disqualify that entrant and offer the prize to the next eligible entrant and thereafter until a winner is found.
5.4 The results of a competition will be announced on our website within 5 days following the closing date of the competition. The announcement may include the name and photograph, the town or region of residence and prize details of each prize winner.
5.5 No cash alternative to the prizes will be offered. The prizes are not transferable. Prizes are subject to availability and we reserve the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice.
5.6 Every participant will receive 100 AUN Tokens. To prevent early token dumping, the tokens will be distributed after a 6 months lock period.
6. Copyright and moral rights
6.1 You warrant to us that you created your competition entries, that you own all of the copyright in those entries, and that our use of the entries in accordance with these rules will not infringe any person’s intellectual property rights or other legal rights.
6.2 You grant to us an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual and irrevocable license to copy, store, edit, distribute, transmit and publish your competition entries.
6.5 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you irrevocable and unconditionally waive your rights to be identified as the author of your competition entries and to object to any derogatory treatment of your competition entries.
7. What happens to entries?
7.1 Competition entries will not be returned. Please, therefore, keep a copy of your competition entries.
8. Publicity
8.1 We may undertake publicity activities relating to competitions and prize awards. The winner therefore agrees to the use of their name, photograph and disclosure of town or region of residence in any post-prize-winning publicity names, surnames, towns or regions of residence and prize details.
8.2 All other personal details collected as part of the competition will be used in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.
9. Our details
9.1 This prize competition is run by Authoreon, provided by Authoreon (Legal Notice).
9.2 You can contact us:
(a) using our website contact form.
(c) by email, using the email address [email protected].